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Stock Information

Share-Related Information (as of November 30, 2024)

Total number of shares authorized to be issued 80,000,000
Total number of shares issued 22,167,211
Number of shareholders 24,311

Major Shareholders

shareholder Number of shares held
(in hundreds)
Percentage of shares held
Oji Holdings Corporation 27,001 13.51
Daio Paper Corporation 18,165 9.09
NIPPON FILCON Group Employee Stock Ownership Plan 15,761 7.89
Nippon Paper Industries Co., Ltd. 12,623 6.32
The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited 3,950 1.98
NIPPON FELT.CO.,LTD. 3,000 1.50
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 2,945 1.47
Masahiro Takeda 2,925 1.46
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 2,413 1.21
Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Company 2,004 1.00
Notes: 1.The Company holds 2,187,395 shares of treasury stock that are not included the above list.2.The percentage of shares held is calculated after eliminating treasury stock.3.The number of shares held is rounded down for figures of less than 100 shares, and the percentage of shares held is rounded off to two decimal places.

Shareholder Composition

Shareholder's Composition

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