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IR Policy and Disclaimer

IR Policy

Purpose of and Basic Policy for IR Activities
The purpose of investor relations (IR) activities is to gain the trust of and allow an accurate evaluation by shareholders and investors by disclosing information concerning the management strategy, financial condition, and other matters pertaining to NIPPON FILCON CO., LTD. (“NIPPON FILCON”) to shareholders, investors, and all stakeholders accurately, fairly, and in a timely manner with the aim of an accurate understanding of the content of the information.

Information Disclosure Standards
NIPPON FILCON discloses information in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules established by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. NIPPON FILCON offers the timely disclosure of any information concerning decisions, events, or financial results that could have a material impact on investment decisions, information in response to inquiries from the Tokyo Stock Exchange, and information associated with material changes to or cancellation of corporate information previously disclosed. Information not subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules will also be disclosed.

Information Disclosure Methods
As required by the Timely Disclosure Rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange, information subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules is disclosed through the timely disclosure network system (TDnet) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Disclosed information is promptly posted on the NIPPON FILCON corporate website.

Quiet Period
To prevent the leakage of information that may have a material impact on share prices during the preparation of announcements of financial results and to ensure fairness in information disclosure, NIPPON FILCON observes a quiet period from the day following the quarterly closing date until the day before the announcement of quarterly financial results. During this quiet period, NIPPON FILCON refrains from commenting on or answering inquiries related to its business results and forecasts. However, any information on events occurring during the quiet period subject to timely disclosure is disclosed in a timely manner.


Posted Information
The IR information posted on this website is for the purpose of providing financial information, financial indicators, and other matters pertaining to NIPPON FILCON. However, NIPPON FILCON makes no guarantees regarding the content of posted information. Although NIPPON FILCON pays close attention to posted information, it bears no responsibility whatsoever, irrespective of the cause, for any damages, among others, resulting from any error in the information, falsification by a third party, or the downloading of data.
The posting of information on this website is not for the purpose of soliciting investment. NIPPON FILCON requests that you use your own judgment when making investment decisions.

Forward-Looking Statements
Some information posted on this website contains forward-looking statements concerning NIPPON FILCON’s future performance. These statements contain risks and uncertainties and do not constitute guarantees of future performance. Please be advised that forward-looking statements may differ from actual results because of changes in economic conditions or market trends.

Website Operation
NIPPON FILCON may discontinue or terminate operation of this website or alter the content without notice. In addition, please be advised that the normal use of this website may be precluded due to reasons including the state of the telecommunications environment or your computer. NIPPON FILCON assumes no responsibility for any trouble, loss, or damage caused thereby.

Please check the "Website Terms of Use" for detailed terms and conditions for using this website.

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