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Management Principles

Based on the aspiration of being recognized for its high quality products and services, NIPPON FILCON has instituted the following corporate philosophy from which stem its six major action guidelines.

Corporate Philosophy

Action Guidelines

  • Increase international competitiveness
  • Aspire to be a best performer amongst its peers in terms of profitability
  • Proactively participate in the environmental movement and the safety measures this commitment requires
  • Ensure customer satisfaction is not compromised
  • Undertake reviews with the purpose of enhancing innovation and the acquisition of new ideas and creativity
  • Respect mankind, pursue knowledge and experience, and foster personal development

On the basis of the above, NIPPON FILCON has developed and implemented a management approach that emphasizes swift change and is working to establish a robust internationally competitive business model. The main features of this model are as follows:

Code of Conduct

  1. Strive for the sustainable development of fair, honest, and transparent relationships with all stakeholders, including shareholders, customers, business partners, and host community residents.
  2. Respect the basic human rights of all people, strictly refrain from behavior that demeans the dignity of individuals, and never discriminate according to race, nationality, ideology, belief, age, gender, social status, or disability.
  3. In business activities, observe laws and internal regulations and do not engage in behavior contrary to social justice or public order and morals.
  4. Provide no benefits to and sever any relations with anti-social groups that threaten the order and safety of civil society.
  5. Strive for appropriate storage, management and disclosure of business information and do not engage in insider trading or other misconduct.
  6. Carefully store and manage information that constitutes trade secrets and personal information and do not divulge such information to any outside party without due cause during employment or after retirement.
  7. Refrain from exploiting an advantageous position in a business relationship to make unreasonable demands or arbitrarily cause a disadvantage to trading partners and from encouraging entertainment or gift-giving that deviates from the commonly recognized limits.
  8. Recognize that worker safety, industrial disaster prevention, and the preservation of the environment must be maintained as the highest priorities in business activities and pursue active contribution to conservation efforts and protection of the global environment.
  9. Pursue close cooperation and harmony with local communities and strive to make community contributions.
  10. Make appropriate decisions and take appropriate action in keeping with the Company’s corporate philosophy and social mission imperatives with respect to matters not specifically mentioned in this Code of Conduct.

Quality and Environmental Policies

In accordance with the corporate philosophy, NIPPON FILCON CO., LTD. actively engages in quality improvement and environmental conservation activities in its activities across all business sectors with the aim to enhance customer satisfaction and to achieve harmony with the global environment. The following policies shall be maintain priority in order to become recognized as a Company to be respected by all people.

  1. Meet customer expectations and pursue continuous business development by striving for and increasing customer satisfaction.
  2. In each business unit, pursue quality excellence, fair prices, and efficient service and create added value through uniqueness that remains a step ahead of the competition.
  3. Observe laws and regulations, ordinances, and other requirements pertaining to quality and the environment and establish and administer voluntary standards as necessary.
  4. Manage hazardous chemical substances appropriately, use water resource effectively, conserve biodiversity, and do whatever is necessary to prevent environmental contamination.
  5. Promote environmental conservation practises such as resource and energy conservation, waste reduction, and recycling.
  6. Effectively use ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 as business support tools and strive for continuous improvement.
  7. Continuously engage in education and self improvement awareness programs for all employees to increase customer satisfaction and environmental awareness.

Basic Policy on Company Information Security

As a manufacturer, NIPPON FILCON engages in businesses that involves sensitive information such as undertaking manufacturing that involves the handling of customers’ trade secrets. We constantly deliver the best possible value to customers and aspire to be recognized as a high-quality company by all. To enable our customers to use our products and services with peace of mind, we continuously strive to ensure information security by implementing measures that continually ensure security and protect the intellectual properyty of our customers and the Company from all potential threats, and see this as a key management objective.

Action Guidelines

①Engage in the continuous education of all corporate officers and employees of NIPPON FILCON who use intellectual property, strive to raise awareness of information security, and rigorously observe laws, regulations, and rules pertaining to information security.

②To ensure security, clearly define procedures for handling customers’ confidential information and NIPPON FILCON’s intellectual property according to the required standard set by management.

③Constantly review information security and continuously undertake the maintenance and improvement of security measures.

Safety and Health Policy

In accordance with our corporate philosophy and Code of Conduct, NIPPON FILCON recognizes that ensuring the safety and health of all stakeholders is fundamental to the continuance of our business. Based on our perception of corporate social responsibility and as one of our top priorities for corporate management, the Company will work to prevent work-related accidents and assist in maintaining and improving the health with our top management leading by example.

NIPPON FILCON Group Policy on Human Rights

We consider this human rights policy to form a basis for the NIPPON FILCON Group's business activities. The NIPPON FILCON Group understands that the human rights of all people affected by its business activities must be respected in its efforts to become "a quality company recognized by society," and will make every effort to fulfill its responsibility to respect human rights.

  1. Basic Principles and Position

    Based on the International Bill of Human Rights, the “Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work” of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the ten principles of the UN Global Compact, and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, we have established the NIPPON FILCON Group Human Rights Policy (hereinafter, the Policy) to promote our efforts to respect human rights. This Policy is based on our Corporate Philosophy, Code of Conduct, the NIPPON FILCON Group Compliance Regulations and Compliance Guidelines, and represents our commitment in respect of our efforts to respect human rights.
  2. Scope of Application

    This Policy applies to all officers and employees of the NIPPON FILCON Group. We also expect our business partners and suppliers to support and practice this Policy, and together we aim to promote respect for human rights.
  3. Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations

    The NIPPON FILCON Group will comply with the laws and regulations of each country and region in which it operates. Where there is a conflict between the laws and regulations of a country or region and international human rights principles, we will seek ways to respect international human rights principles while complying with local laws.
  4. Education and Training

    The NIPPON FILCON Group will provide appropriate education and training to all officers and employees of its group companies.
  5. Human Rights Due Diligence

    The NIPPON FILCON Group will establish and continuously implement a human rights due diligence mechanism in accordance with procedures based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights to prevent or mitigate negative impacts on human rights.
  6. Dialogue and Consultation

    In practicing this Policy, the NIPPON FILCON Group will engage in constructive dialogue and consultation with relevant stakeholders. We will also strive to understand, improve, and resolve human rights issues by utilizing internal and external expertise on human rights.

Nagura Hiroyuki
Date of Establishment: August 24, 2023

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